Thursday, January 31, 2008

Wednesday January 30

WE are on our way - United Flight 850 is over the Sea of Okhotsk in
Russia going 548 MPH at 33,000 feet. Sue, Lily and I all clapped
when we went wheels up at Beijing. Actually the Chinese were all
very nice and our little threesome navigated the Guangzhou and
Beijing airports pretty well. If I have to fly Air China again soon
- look out though. They better be making money because every flight
is absolutely full and they do not pay for departure gates. I
thought Sue was going to finally lose it after 12 days and no
sunshine at the Guangzhou airport. Our gate for the flight to
Beijing was a "group flight" area. 20A was the gate number and 500
Chinese were all standing by the door just in case their flight was
called. When the announcement came - in Chinese - to board our
flight - no one moved out the way, so I just pushed them out and made
a hole for Sue and Lily. After boarding the bus - packed to the
maximum- standing room - no seats - we made our way around the entire
airport to our 737 aircraft. It was raining hard and Sue gave me the
"look". We are we - still in China - obviously - and she cannot get
out of her fast enough. As we went out in the rain, the only thought
in my mind was -- 2 more flights and we are back home.

After landing in Beijing we had to retrieve our 4 suitcases and
transfer to United's International Terminal - that was not what I
expected, but now we are down to 1 more flight. After going thru 4
security checks and having Lily's passport ultra-scrutinized, we
boarded United. AHHHH - Scotch never tasted this good. Lily is
still going strong, but hopefully she will fall asleep. If not - we
will still be home in 9 hours.

1 comment:

denice said...

Oh my gosh, I remember that bus was awful. So glad it's over for you.