Thursday, January 24, 2008

Everyone else is on the floor - too scary for Lily


Cassie loves Papa Johns pizza (and everything else)


Play group pizza time


Friday, January 25

Friday morning, Wednesday is coming. Lily is doing much better. She
had her last breathing treatment yesterday and they sure helped her.
A little more medicine to finish and hopefully we'll be over this
bronchitis. I cannot believe how much she has changed in 5 days.
She has gone from looking at both of us and starting to cry to
sitting by herself on the couch and playing with us, imitating our
faces and noises that we make, playing patty cake, sitting in the
high chair at breakfast today, etc. Today, she did her first
crawling - on our bed over to Greg and pulled herself up to stand.
These are major steps for one who wanted to be held vertically all
the time. And I mean all the time. Yesterday, I called home and
realized I was talking with my hands and I looked at her to see her
imitating me and talking with her hands. What a riot. Shiyen our
guide suggested we not encourage walking yet as that could make for a
longer plane ride home since she would want to get down all the
time. She said we can start that back in the states. I agree. We
had fun last night, our first socializing with our group. Not by
choice, we've stayed in because Lily's been sick.
Everyone came to our room with their babies and we had Papa John's
pizza. It was so good!! It was fun to see all the girls and one
boy in our group together. We had them all on the floor (except Lily
who still thinks the floor is too scary so she would only sit on
Greg's leg). No major fighting or toy stealing occurred. The
highlight was a little girl named Cassie who ate everything offered
to her including Papa John's pizza, with only 4 teeth. It was fun to
talk with everyone. I've been shopping with Cindy, from Tennessee,
but we still have more to do. I bought Lily a beautiful Chinese
outfit for when she is a little older, and yes, her first pair of
squeaky shoes. I can't wait to hear them. We used the "home of
love" Chinese laundry service. 37 items laundered for $10. All
folded and bagged when I picked them up. I enjoyed that!! We are
going to a Chinese folk art museum this afternoon. Hopefully, I can
take some pictures and we will post them tomorrow. Miss everybody

All by myself


I have made big progress again today - on the couch all by myself
